I thought the movie was funny, with the comedic highlight easily being the sequences where the women fantasize about what they would do to their boss if they had the chance. Which is understandable considering this movie was released in 1980, eight years before I was born. The writing is also good but, unsurprisingly, some of the dialogue is a little outdated. As I mentioned, all the lead roles in the film are perfectly cast and I cannot complain about that one bit. Good heroines are nothing without an equally dastardly villain to play off of. Dabney Coleman is absolutely excellent here and he knows how to play this role to perfection. Of course, no story about a sexist, egotistical pig is complete without casting someone detestable in the role that knows how to play off of the three leads. So the film was pretty much perfectly cast as it relates to the leads. Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda are both great here as well. She's just got a very charismatic presence and a great voice. I don't wanna say she's a natural but she made the transition from singer to actress better than about 95% of people who've tried. Kinda surprising how good Dolly Parton was considering that this was her first major acting role. I thought this was a good movie really, with some really talented women as the leads in this film. I think that'd work well and it would combine both elements. With the three women in this film all raising daughters who are facing the same problems they faced in this movie. I think a mixture of the two would work well. I think a sequel, while a good idea, would probably not be as successful. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me to see a remake one of these days. So even with the fact that this movie is almost 40 years old, it's as relevant as ever and will remain relevant as long as women keep getting treated unfairly for X or Y reason.

At the very least this film is about women being treated equally in the workplace, receiving the same pay as the men do for the same work. The Other Woman, in spite of pretending it's all about female empowerment, was probably as sexist as they got to be honest. Of course there's narrative differences, the women in the Other Woman are trying to get revenge on this guy who's sleeping with all of them behind the other's backs, whereas this film sees the women get revenge on their boss for being a sexist and ignorant idiot.

With The Other Woman coming out last year, and being a pretty bad movie at that, I can sense that this movie was a very obvious inspiration on that.